Personal Details
Email *
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Male Female
Date of Birth *
Company Name (if required for invoicing)
Country of Birth *
Town of Birth *
Are you an overseas student studying in Australia on a STUDENT VISA?
Yes No
If you speak a language other than English at home, please advise what language
How well do you speak English?
Very Well
Not Well
Not At All
Are you of Aboriginal origin?
Yes No
Are you of Torres Strait Islander origin?
Yes No
Address/Contact Details
Building/Property Name
Flat/Unit No.
Street No *
Street Name *
Suburb/Town *
State *
Postcode *
Country *
Alt Phone/Mobile
Work Phone
Postal Address (if different from above)
PO Box
Building/Property Name
Flat/Unit No.
Street No
Street Name
Unique Student Identifier (USI) *Please provide your USI number OR one form of identification below (Photocopy required)
USI number (if you have one)
Drivers Licence No *
Drivers Licence Card No *
State Issued *
Medicare No
Card colour
Expiry Date
Ref No
Name as it appears on proof of identity document *
Do you consider yourself to have any disability, impairment or long-term condition? *
Yes No
Medical Conditions (tick those that apply)
Hearing/Deaf Physical Intellectual Learning Mental Illness Vision Acquired Brain Impairment
If you have other medical conditions, please provide a brief description of the sort of support which would best suit your individual needs and a Company representative will contact you. If you are not sure if your English language, literacy & numeracy skills are at the standard required to achieve competency, please contact our office and we can provide you with a short Literacy & Numeracy test to complete, which will enable us to ascertain if you will need additional assistance.
Other Medical Conditions
What year did you complete High School? *
Highest year completed at High School *
Are you still enrolled in secondary or senior secondary education?
Have you completed any of the following qualification?
Bachelor Masters Advanced Diploma/Assoc Degree Diploma/Assoc. Diploma Cert IV Cert III or Trade Cert Cert II Cert I
Other Qualifications
Are you applying for RPL or Credit Transfer? *If yes we will contact you to discuss your training
Yes No
Are you currently employed in the Real Estate industry? If yes, who is your current employer?
Employer *
Employer Address
Employer Phone *
Job Role *
And how many years have you been in the industry? *
Have you previously worked in Real Estate. If yes how many years’ experience do you have? *
If not currently in Real Estate, who is your current employer? *
Employment Status
Select ...
Full Time
Part Time
Self Employed
Unpaid worker-family business
Unemployed, seeking full-time work
Unemployed, seeking part-time work
Not seeking employment
Study Reasons (select one reason which describes your main reason to undertake this course)
Study Reasons
To get a job
To develop my existing business
Different Career
Extra skills of job
To get a better job/promotion
Requirement of my job
Get into another course
Personal interest/self development
To get skills for community/voluntary work
Would you like additional support with any special needs (literacy, numeracy, physical)?
Yes No
If yes, please provide a brief description of the sort of support which would best suit your individual needs and the CEO of there representative will contact you.
I authorise Complete Property Training to apply for a USI on my behalf and confirm I have read the privacy information in the terms & conditions. *
I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored as outlined by the site Privacy Policy .